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मलाई बल्ल सेक्सको स्वाद थाहा भयो ।

अश्लील फिल्म हेरेपछि मलाई आफ्नो शारीरिक बनावट, पुरुषसँगको सम्बन्धप्रति नयाँ धारणा जागृत भयो । राति सुत्दा ओछ्यानमा म आफ्नो स्तन खेलाउने, पुती मुसार्ने, तिग्रामा सिरानी चेप्ने, घोप्टो परेर पुतीलाई ओछ्यानमा रगड्ने जस्ता काम गर्दथेँ । यसबाट मलाई केही आनन्दको अनूभू्ति हुँन्थ्यो ।यसो गर्दागर्दै मलाई सेक्स गर्ने इच्छा जाग्यो तर कोसँग गर्ने भन्नेमा समस्या देखेँ । किनकी त्यतिन्जेल म कुनै पुरुषसँग नजिकिएकी थिइनँ । विनोद अंकलले बीरगंजमा मप्रति गरेको कृयाकलापले मलाई पुरुष जातिसँग टाढा बनाइसकेको थियो ।

तर अब म पुरुषसँग नजिक हुन चाहन्थेँ ।यस्तैमा मेरो ध्यान हाम्रै छिमेकी श्रीराममा केन्द्रीत भयो । श्रीराम म भन्दा ४ वर्ष जेठो थियो । उसले मलाई काली भनेर जिस्क्याउने गर्थ्यो । तर म भने त्यति वास्ता गर्दैनथेँ ।एक दिन मैले उसलाई जिस्क्याएँ । ‘हिरो बनेर कता नि ? केटी भेट्न कि क्या हो ?’ बाटोमा एक्लै हिडिरहेको बेला मैले उसलाई भनेँ । कहिल्यै यसरी नबोल्ने मान्छेले त्यस्तो कुरा सोधेकाले होला, ऊ चकित भयो र भन्यो, ‘लौन हामीसँग पनि बोल्न मिल्दो पो रहेछ, के को केटी भेट्न जानु नि ? छेउमै भएकी तिमीले त पत्याउँदिनौं ।”पत्याएरै त सोधेको नि,’ मैले पनि तुरुन्तै जवाफ फर्काएँ । ऊ हाँस्दै आफ्नो बाटो लाग्यो । म पनि आफ्नै बाटो लागेँ ।

मनमनै मलाई कुत्कुती लागेको थियो । कुनै पुरुषसँग यसरी पहिलो पटक संवाद गर्दा पनि कुत्कुती लाग्दो रहेछ ।आफ्नो कोठामा बसेर श्रीरामसँग अंकमाल गरेको कल्पना गर्न थालेँ । मलाई झन आनन्द लाग्यो । ऊसँग बसेर धेरै बेर कुरा गर्ने इच्छा मेरो मनमा पलाउँदै गएको थियो तर त्यस्तो मौका नै मिलिरहेको थिएन ।एक दिन श्रीराम हाम्रो घरमा तरकारी माग्न आयो । उसको बुवा ड्राइभर हुनुहुन्थ्यो । बुवा ट्रक लिएर कतै जानु भएको रहेछ, आमा भने बहिनीलाई लिएर मावल जानु भएकाले घरमा एक्लै खाना पकाउन अल्छी लागेर तरकारी माग्न आएको बेलिबिस्तार उसले सुनायो । अनी हाम्रो ममीले उसलाई सोध्नु भयो, ‘तरकारी मात्र लगेर केसित खान्छस् त ?’ उसले भन्यो- चिउरा छ नि ।ममीले हाम्रो घरमा खाना खान उसलाई आग्रह गर्नुभयो तर उसले मानेन । बोडीको तरकारी एउटा कचौरामा लिएर ऊ आफ्नो घर गयो ।

केही बेरपछि म पनि आफ्नो घरबाट लस्किदैं रोडमा निस्किएँ । म उसको घरमा जाने दाउ हेरेर बसिरहेकी थिएँ । किनकी गाउँघरमा कुरा काट्नेहरु धेरै हुन्छन् ।दिउँसो मेरो योजना सफल हुन सकेन । तर साँझ पख भने म उसको घरमा पुगेरै छाडेँ । आखिर लोडसेडिङले सबैतिर अँध्यारो भएको थियो । ‘ओ हिरो दाई, के गरेर बसेको ?’ उसलाई देख्नासाथ मैले सोधेँ । ‘के हुनु नि, चाउचाउ पकाउन थालेको, के कामले आयौ ?’ उसले प्रत्रि्रश्न गर्‍यो । ‘काम नभई यहाँ आउनै हुँदैन कि क्या हो ?’ मैले पनि प्रश्नबाटै जवाफ दिएँ ।

‘कहिल्यै नआउने मान्छे अचानक आउँदा अचम्म लागेर सोधेको नि,’ उसले कुरा अघि बढायो ।चुलोबाट उसले चाउचाउ निकाल्यो । ‘खाने हो ?’ उसले मतिर हेर्दै सोध्यो । ‘चाखौं न त,’ ऊसँग नजिक हुने मौकाको प्रतिक्षामा मैले भनेँ ।एउटा कचौरामा मलाई चाउचाउ दिदैं ऊ पनि अर्को कचौरामा लिएर खान बस्यो । चाउचाउ खाइसकेपछि केहीबेर हाम्रो सम्बाद बन्द भयो । के कुरा गर्ने भन्नेमा म अन्यौलमा थिएँ, सायद ऊ पनि त्यस्तै अन्यौलमा थियो ।ऊ कचौरा उठाउँदै थियो । मौका छोपेर मैले उसको लाडो भएनिर हात पुर्‍याएर भने, ‘म उठाइ हाल्छु नि ।’ तर मेरा हातले उसको लाडो भेटेन क्यार, मैले केही पत्तो नै पाइनँ । ऊ झसङ्ग भएको थियो । तर केही भनेन । सिर्फमेरो अनुहार आर्श्चर्यजनक रुपमा हेरिरहृयो । ‘के हेरेको नि,’ मैले परिस्थितीलाई अन्यत्र मोड्ने कोसिसका साथ भनेँ ।’तिमी पनि हुर्किछौं भनेर हेरेको नि,’ उसले भन्यो । ‘किन र ?,’ मैले सोधेँ । ‘केही हैन, भइ गो,’ उसले छोटो जवाफ दियो । म कुरा अघि बढाउन चाहन्थेँ ।

अनि आँट गरेरै मैले सोधेँ, ‘मैले त्यहाँ हात लगेकाले त्यसो भनेको हो ?’ उसले केही जवाफ दिएन । केही बेरको मौनतापछि मैले फेरि आफ्नो हातले उसको लाडो बाहिर बिस्तारै हिर्काउँदै भने, ‘लु त, अब झन् हुर्किएँ हैन त ?’ अचानक ऊ जोशमा आयो र उसले पनि मेरो पुतीमा हात ल्याउँदै भन्यो,

‘तिमी भन्दा दुइचार वटा भोटो बढी नै फटाएको छु, खायौ ?’ उसले भन्यो । मलाई निकै आनन्द लागिरहेको थियो । उसले अझ बढी यसरी नै मलाई चलाइरहोस् भन्ने मेरो मनमा थियो । अनि मैले च्याप्प उसको लाडो समातिदिएँ । तर अहिले त उसको लाडो निकै ठूलो पो भइसकेको रहेछ ।

‘लौ, अघिसम्म त केही नभएजस्तो थियो, अहिले त यत्रो ठूलो भइसकेछ, के भाको ?’ मैले छक्क मान्दै साधेँ । ‘सँधै यत्रै ठूलो भइरहे त यसलाई कसरी तह लगाउनु नि ?’ उसले भन्यो । उसले भनेको कुरा मैले बुझिनँ । अनि उसलाई सोधेँ, ‘किन र ? यो ठूलो हुँदा के हुन्छ ?”के थाहा नपाएजस्तो गरेकी ? यो ठूलो भएपछि यसलाई शान्त पार्न केटी चाहिन्छ क्या ।’ उसले भन्यो ।

‘ए.. त्यस्तो पो ।’ मैले बल्ल बुझेँ । अनि महसुस गरेँ, अब उसलाई पनि केटी चाहिएको छ । मुख खोलेरै भनेँ, ‘त्यसो भए अहिले यसलाई केटी चाहिएको हो त ?’ अनि उसले पनि जिस्किदैं जवाफ थियो, ‘किन र ? तिमी मान्छ्यौं ?”के गर्न ?’ अलिअलि बुझे पनि मैले नबुझेजसरी सोधेँ । ‘पहिला मान्छु त भन न, के गर्ने भन्ने कुरामा त म छँदैछु नि ।’ उसले भन्यो । ‘भन्दै नभनिकन मैले के मान्नु नि ? के गर्न भन्नु न त ?’ उसले आफ्नो लाडोतिर संकेत गर्दै स्पष्टसँगै भन्यो, ‘यसलाई त्यहाँ छिराउन, हुन्छ ?’बल्ल कुरा सही मोडमा पुगेको थियो । तै पनि ऊबाट अझ प्रष्ट कुरा सुन्ने उद्देश्यले मैले सोधेँ, ‘त्यसलाई यहाँ छिराउँदा के हुन्छ ?’

उसले भन्यो, ‘त्यो त छिराइसकेपछि तिमीले पनि थाहा पाइहाल्छौं नि ।’मैले केही नबोली उसको लाडोमा पुनः आफ्नो हात पुर्‍याएँ । बेलाबेलामा तनक्क तन्किएको जस्तो लाग्यो । अनि उसले पनि केही नबोली आफ्ना हातले मेरो स्तन माड्न थाल्यो । मैले पनि बल लगाएरै उसको लाडोलाई च्याप्प समातेँ । उसले मेरा स्तनलाई बेस्सरी निमोठ्यो । ‘ऐया, दुख्यो । कस्तो माया नगरी निमोठेको ?’ मैले भनेँ । प्रत्युत्तरमा उसले भन्यो, ‘तिमीले चाही मेरो डन्ठालाई माया गरेर समातेकी छौ र ?’हामी यसरी नै एक अर्काका अंग खेलाउन थाल्यौं । यो मेरो जीवनमा नौलो अनुभव थियो । मलाई मज्जा लागिरहेको थियो । अनि उसले मेरो भेस्ट खोल्यो ।

क्रमशः मेरो समिज र स्कर्ट हुँदै पेन्टीसम्म खोल्यो । कुनै पुरुषसँग नाङ्गिएको यो मेरो दोस्रो अनुभव भएपनि पहिलो पटकको तुलनामा अहिले मलाई निकै आनन्द लागिरहेको थियो । अनि अब के होला भन्ने कौतुहलता पनि जाग्दै थियो ।’अरु केटीसँग पनि यस्तो काम गरेको छ ?’

मैले संवादलाई अघि बढाए । उसले भन्यो, ‘तीन पटक यस्तो काम गरेको छु ।’ मैले सोधेँ, ‘कोसँग ?’ दुइ पटक यही गाउँको एउटा केटीसँग अनि एक पटक चाँही जनकपुरमा ।’

मैले हाम्रो गाउँको को केटीसँग यस्तो काम गरेको भनेर सोधेँ । तर उसले नाम भनेन । ‘तिमीसँग गरेको कुरा पनि मैले अरुलाई भन्नु हुँदैन, अरुसँग गरेको पनि तिमीसँग भन्न मिल्दैन,’ उसले यसरी नै मेरो प्रश्नलाई टार्‍यो । अनि उसले मलाई खाटमा नाङ्गो पारेर सुतायो । त्यसपछि उसले आफ्नो लुगा धमाधम खोल्यो । ऊ पनि नाङ्गो भयो । ‘तिमीले चाँही यस्तो काम पहिला गरेकी छौं ?’ उसले सोध्यो । ‘छैन, कहाँ गर्नु नि ?’ मैले जवाफ फर्काएँ ।उसले मेरो स्तन मुखमा च्याप्यो । स्तनको मुन्टो आफ्नो ओठले चेपेर खेलायो । बेलाबेलामा स्तन चुस्ने गर्थ्यो । मेरो शरीर काम्न थालिसकेको थियो । उसले मलाई बेस्सरी च्याप्दै स्तन चुस्न थाल्यो ।

मलाई काउकुती र छट्पटी भइरहेको थियो । म उसको टाउको सुम्सुम्याउँदै आनन्द लिइरहेकी थियो । कुनै कुनै बेला उसले चुस्दा मेरो दुध दुखेजस्तो हुन्थ्यो । आफ्नो हातले मेरा दुध खुब खेलायो । अनि ढ्याप्प मेरो उत्तानो शरीरमाथि आफू घोप्टियो । उसको लाडोको स्पर्श मैले स्पष्टै थाहा पाइरहेकी थिएँ ।मैले उसलाई अँगालोमा बाँधे । उसले पनि मलाई अँगालोमा कस्यो । हामीले खुब बल लगाएर एक अर्कालाई कस्यौं । यसो गर्दा मैले खुब आनन्द पाएँ । केही बेरपछि उसले आफ्नो कम्मर उठायो र लाडोलाई मेरो पुतीमा रगड्न थाल्यो । बाहिरपट्टी उसले निकै बेर रगड्यो । हनि हातले सुम्सुम्यायो । पुतीको मुखमा औंलालाई खेलाउन थाल्यो । म तरङ्गीत भएँ । मैले पनि आफ्नो हातलाई पुतीमा पुर्‍याएँ । त्यहाँ रसिलो भइसकेको रहेछ ।

‘छ्या’ भन्दै मैले हात ओछ्यानमा पुछेँ । उसले घिन नमानीकन खेलाइरह्यो । अनि औंला पसाउन थाल्यो । आफ्नो माझी औंला पसाउँदै निकाल्दै गरिरह्यो ।’कस्तो लागेको छ ?’ उसले सोध्यो । ‘मज्जा आइरहेको छ ।’ मैले जवाफ दिएँ । ‘अब काम सुरु गरौं है ?’ उसले भन्यो । ‘अझ काम सुरु भएकै छैन ?’ मैले भनेँ । ‘यसलाई खै र छिराएको ? मुख्य काम त बाँकी नै छ ।’ उसले भन्यो ।मेरो पुतीको मुखमा लाडोको टुप्पो रगड्दै उसले भित्र पसाउन सुरु गर्‍यो । सुरुमा त निकै आनन्द आएको थियो तर भित्र पस्न थालेपछि मलाई दुख्यो । मैले सोचेँ, ‘मेरो पुतीमा कुनै पनि लाडो छिर्न सक्दैन ।’ किनकी पहिला पनि विनोद अंकलले पसाउन नसकेर नै छोड्नु भएको थियो ।’केही हुँदैन, एकैछिनमात्र दुख्छ,’ उसले मलाई सान्त्वना दिइरहेको थियो ।

उसले केही बेर आफ्नो लाडोको टुप्पोमात्र पसाएर राखिरह्यो । अनि फेरि निकाल्यो । मेरा स्तन खेलाउँदै उसले फेरि लाडोलाई पुतीको मुखमा सोझ्यायो । ऊ निकै जोसिएको थियो । यस पटक उसमा दयाको कुनै संकेत मैले देखेकी थिइनँ । ऊ कठोर देखिन्थ्यो । मलाई डर लाग्यो र भनेँ, ‘भइ गो छोड्नुस्, म जान्छु ।’ उसले मलाई झन कस्यो र भन्यो, ‘एकछिन पख है त, आँखा चिम्म गर । केही हुँदैन ।’ उसको शरीर निकै कसिएको थियो । मलाई जोडले समात्यो र लाडो ठेल्न थाल्यो । मैले आफ्नो पुतीमा उसको लाडो पस्ने कुनै छेकछन्दै देखेकी थिइनँ, लाग्थ्यो अब योभन्दा भित्र पस्ने रत्तिभर ठाउँ छैन ।

तर उसले हार मानेको थिएन । मलाई असह्य पीडा भइरहेको थियो । पुती च्यातिन्छ नै जस्तो लाग्न थाल्यो । तर उसले लगातार लाडोलाई भित्र बाहिर गरिरहेको थियो । मेरो मुखबाट ‘ऐया..ऐया’ निस्किरहेको थियो । तर मेरा पीडा उसले सुनिरहेकै थिएन । ऊ आफ्नै धुनमा व्यस्त थियो । उसले झन बल गर्‍यो । आधाभन्दा बढी लाडो उसले भित्र पसाइसकेको थियो । एकछिन त्यत्तिकै राखेर उसले पनि आफ्नो लाडोको हविगत हेर्‍यो । ‘भयो क्या, धेरै दुख्न थाल्यो…’ मैले भनेँ । ‘पख न कत्ति आत्तिएकी ?’ उसले मेरो आग्रह टार्‍यो । यत्रो पीडा खेप्नका लागि व्यर्थै आइछु जस्तो पनि लाग्यो ।उसले मलाई अँगालोमा फेरि बेस्सरी बाँध्यो र बल लगाउन थाल्यो । आफ्नो कम्मरलाई केही माथि तानेर उसले लाडोको टुप्पोमात्र पुतीभित्र राखेको थियो । अनि जोडले भित्र ठेल्यो ।

मलाई साह्रै दुख्यो र चिच्याएँ, ‘ऐया ममी, म मरेँ ।’ ऊ केही बेर शान्त भयो, यसो पुतीतिर हेरेको त करिब एक इन्चजतिमात्र बाहिर रहने गरी उसको लाडो पसिसकेछ । पोल्ने र दुख्ने पीडाले एकसाथ म छट्पटाएकी थिएँ । यत्तिकैमा उसले अलिकति बाहिर तानेर फेरि लाडोलाई धसायो । यतिबेला भने उसको पुरै लाडो मेरो पुतीभित्र छिरेको थियो । जमिनमा किला ठोकेको भन्दा कम थिएन होला उसको लाडो मेरो पुतीभित्र । अनि बिस्तारै उसले बाहिरभित्र गरी धक्का दिइरहेको थियो । ‘ऐया, भयो… अब त छोड्नुस्… ।’ दुखाइ सहन नसकी म अलाप गर्दै थिए । तर उसले किन छोड्थ्यो र ? उ त झन मच्चिन पो थाल्यो । आफ्नो पीडा सहेर बस्नुबाहेक मसँग कुनै बिकल्प नै थिएन । केही बेर पछि उसले लाडोलाई जोडदार धक्काका साथ भित्रै ठेल्यो । सायद अघिको तुलनामा अहिले उसको लाडो झनै भित्रसम्म पुगेको थियो । अनि केही बेरमै लाडो छट्पटाएको जस्तो अनुभव मैले गरेँ ।’आह..’ गर्दै उसले आफ्नो लाडोलाई केही बेर भित्रै राख्यो । अनि मेरो शरीरमाथि लम्पसार परेर सुत्यो । मानौं अघिको उफ्राइले ऊ निकै थाकेको छ । मैले उसलाई पल्टाउने कोसिस गरेँ । उसको पनि मन अघाएछ क्यार । यसपटक उसले आफ्नो शरीर ममाथिबाट हटायो । अनि चुपचाप कपडा लगाएर म उसको घरबाट बाहिर निस्किएँ ।



New for Christmas 2018: Google's Santa Tracker Now Offers the Gift of Games

For anyone wanting to keep tabs on where Santa Claus travels on Christmas Eve, well, there’s an app for that.

Google’s Santa Tracker, which was first launched in 2004, keeps tabs on Santa’s location the night before Christmas. But before the tracker starts mapping Santa’s location on Dec. 24, this year, Santa’s Village features a number of Christmas games, including several that let you test your coding skills. You can also compete in a wrap battle to see who can package and tie up the most gifts with the most skill. There’s even a translation area, where you can learn how to say phrases like “season’s greetings” and “happy new year” in more than 20 languages, including, yes, Elvish.New for Christmas 2018: Google's Santa Tracker Now Offers the Gift of Gamesको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

If playing cool math, coding, and drawing games in Santa’s Village isn’t enough to satisfy your holiday break boredom, it’s also worth noting Google has plenty of other interactive Google Doodle games to play while you’re waiting to see where the sleigh lands next.

Not just because of the games—though they certainly differentiate the two—Google’s Santa Tracker is different than the Santa Tracker run by NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command. NORAD has been tracking Santa’s annual gift deliveries for over 60 years on its own website and is an all-volunteer run program that, much like Santa, carries on no matter the political climate or inclement winter weather.


Indonesia tsunami that killed at least 222 hit without warning

At least 222 people were killed as waves smashed into houses, hotels and other beachside buildings Saturday night along Indonesia's Sunda Strait, in a disaster that followed an eruption and possible landslide on Anak Krakatau, one of the world's most infamous volcanic islands.

More than 800 others were injured and dozens were reported missing after the tsunami hit coastal areas along western Java and southern Sumatra islands at 9:27 p.m. local time on Saturday amid a Christmas holiday weekend, the Disaster Management Agency said. The death toll could increase once authorities hear from all stricken areas.Indonesia tsunami that killed at least 222 hit without warningको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

TIMELINEA look at recent quakes and tsunamis that have hit Indonesia
It was the second deadly tsunami to hit Indonesia this year, but the one that killed more than 2,500 people on the island of Sulawesi on Sept. 28 was accompanied by a powerful earthquake that gave residents a brief warning before the waves struck.

On Saturday night, the ground did not shake beforehand to alert people to the oncoming wave that ripped buildings from their foundations in seconds and swept terrified concertgoers on a popular resort beach into the sea.

Azki Kurniawan, 16, said his first warning about the tsunami was when people burst into the lobby of the Patra Comfort Hotel shouting, "Sea water rising!"


Bucs vs. Cowboys live blog: Tampa Bay fumbles away game, 27-20

Two Jameis Winston fumbles, one returned for a touchdown and another deep in Buccaneers territory, leads to a third consecutive loss, dropping the Bucs to 5-10.

Bucs safety Jordan Whitehead (31) stops Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Cole Beasley (11) from reaching the end zone after catching a pass in the second half. [AP Photo/Ron Jenkins]
By Frank Pastor Yesterday

Turnovers, penalties costly in Bucs' loss to Cowboys
Bucs running back Jacquizz Rodgers (32) is stopped on a run by Dallas Cowboys cornerback Jourdan Lewis (27) and defensive tackle Antwaun Woods (99) in the first half. [AP Photo/Ron Jenkins] Bucs running back Jacquizz Rodgers (32) is stopped on a run by Dallas Cowboys cornerback Jourdan Lewis (27) and defensive tackle Antwaun Woods (99) in the first half. [AP Photo/Ron Jenkins]
ARLINGTON, Texas — Two days before Christmas, the Bucs came to AT&T Stadium Sunday and gifted the Cowboys two touchdowns.Bucs vs. Cowboys live blog: Tampa Bay fumbles away game, 27-20को लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Dallas scored 14 points on a pair of Jameis Winston fumbles and the Bucs lost their final road game of the season 27-20 at Jerry's World. The Bucs have lost seven of their last nine games heading into a season finale that could foreshadow a massive overhaul in the front office and coaching staff at One Buc Place.

The Bucs' formula to winning has been simple. And on most Sundays, when they haven't committed turnovers, Tampa Bay has put itself in good position for victory.

This wasn’t one of those days.



SNF: Chiefs vs. Seahawks

The Chiefs and Seahawks go head-to-head on Sunday Night Football on Sunday, Dec. 23, 2018.
Chris Conley #17 of the Kansas City Chiefs fumbles the ball as Justin Coleman #28 of the Seattle Seahawks makes the tackle in the final seconds of the second quarter of the game at CenturyLink Field on December 23, 2018 in Seattle, Washington.
Damien Williams #26 of the Kansas City Chiefs fumbles the ball in front of Dion Jordan #95 of the Seattle Seahawks during the second quarter of the game at CenturyLink Field on December 23, 2018 in Seattle, Washington.

Tyler Lockett #16 of the Seattle Seahawks makes a pass interference on Charvarius Ward #35 of the Kansas City Chiefs during the second quarter of the game at CenturyLink Field on December 23, 2018 in Seattle, Washington.
Quarterback Russell Wilson #3 of the Seattle Seahawks runs with the ball out of the pocket during the second quarter of the game against the Kansas City Chiefs at CenturyLink Field on December 23, 2018 in Seattle, Washington.SNF: Chiefs vs. Seahawksको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Tremon Smith #39 of the Kansas City Chiefs is tackled during the third quarter of the game against the Seattle Seahawks at CenturyLink Field on December 23, 2018 in Seattle, Washington.

J.D. McKissic #21 and Neiko Thorpe #23 of the Seattle Seahawks celebrate a big hit in the kick off return during the third quarter of the game against the Kansas City Chiefs at CenturyLink Field on December 23, 2018 in Seattle, Washington.



Canadiens Game Day: Nicolas Deslauriers in lineup vs. Golden Knights

Replaces Charles Hudon on fourth line, while Brett Kulak takes David Schlemko's spot on defence for afternoon game in Las Vegas.

Montreal Canadiens Nicolas Deslauriers gets high-fives from teammates on the bench after scoring goal against the Pittsburgh Penguins during second period of National Hockey League game in Montreal on March 15, 2018. JOHN MAHONEY / MONTREAL GAZETTE

LAS VEGAS — Claude Julien is making a couple of lineup changes for Saturday afternoon’s game against the Vegas Golden Knights at the T-Mobile Arena (4 p.m., TSN2, RDS, TSN 690 Radio).

Nicolas Deslauriers, who has been a healthy scratch for the last five games, gets back in the lineup on the fourth line with Michael Chaput and Kenny Agostino, while Charles Hudon will be a healthy scratch after playing in the last two games. Defenceman Brett Kulak will also get back in the lineup after being a healthy scratch for two games, taking David Schlemko’s spot. Hudon had been a healthy scratch for nine straight games before getting back in the lineup for the last two and going pointless. For the season, Hudon has 3-1-4 totals and a team-worst minus-8.Canadiens Game Day: Nicolas Deslauriers in lineup vs. Golden Knightsको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Deslauriers has 1-1-2 totals in 24 games this season and is minus-2. Deslauriers ranks second on the Canadiens with 70 hits, trailing only defenceman Jeff Petry, who has 98 but has played 12 more games than Deslauriers.

“We’re going to get a bigger presence on our fourth line against a pretty big hockey club here,” Julien said when he met with the media a couple of hours before the game. “Schlemko’s out. He’s not 100 per cent, so Kulak’s going to go in.”



Manchester United Romps in Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s Debut as Coach

Manchester United Coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer after his team won at Cardiff, 5-1, on Saturday.
Manchester United Coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer after his team won at Cardiff, 5-1, on Saturday.CreditCreditRebecca Naden/Reuters

Jesse Lingard scored twice as Manchester United celebrated its first match under the new coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer with a 5-1 victory at Cardiff in the Premier League on Saturday.

“Football is easy if you’ve got good players,” Solskjaer said. “They are a great bunch of players, and their quality is unbelievable.Manchester United Romps in Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s Debut as Coachको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

“I arrived on Wednesday night and only had Thursday and Friday with the players. Wayne Rooney texted me and gave me some advice, so it must be down to him. He told me to make them play football, enjoy themselves and be Manchester United.”

Marcus Rashford needed only three minutes to give United the lead as he blasted home a free kick. Solskjaer, who spent nine months in charge of Cardiff when the Welsh club was relegated in 2014, was up off his seat again after 29 minutes when Ander Herrera’s deflected shot went in.


Army Notches Program-Record 11th Win in Bowl Beatdown of HoustonHOW ALABAMA'S

Army set a school record with its 11th win of the season after defeating Houston, 70–14, on Saturday in the Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl in Fort Worth, Texas.

The Black Knights also won their third straight bowl game, winning 31 games over the last three seasons. Head coach Jeff Monken is now 34–28 in his five years with the program. Army Notches Program-Record 11th Win in Bowl Beatdown of HoustonHOW ALABAMA'Sको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Army torched Houston's defense throughout the afternoon, entering the locker room at halftime up 42–7. The Black Knights tallied 507 yards on 58 carries, finding the end zone eight times through the ground.
 Highlights of an exciting first half... if you're an Army fan. #GoArmy

 WHAT A RUN!!! #ArmedForcesBowl #ArmyFootball #Top10 @espn @FindingExcuses
Army also tied a pair of NCAA records with its dominant performance over Houston. The Black Knights' 56-point win tied the NCAA record for most points in a bowl game as well as largest margin of victory in a bowl game. 


Mavericks vs. Warriors odds, pick: Predictions on gambling spread, over/under and money line for Dallas, Golden State

Luka Doncic and the Mavericks come into Oracle Arena to face the Warriors having lost four straight games. Dallas is scoring plenty, but the defense has been getting lit up their last three appearances -- giving up 120, 125 and 126 points to the Kings, Nuggets and Clippers. Golden State, meanwhile, has been going through some of its own struggles, relatively speaking, having lost two of its last four -- a beating at the hands of the Raptors, who were playing without Kawhi Leonard, and a 108-103 loss to the Utah in their last outing.

Below is the viewing information, plus a prediction for the spread, over/under and money line for Mavericks at Warriors. 
Mavericks vs. Warriors odds, pick: Predictions on gambling spread, over/under and money line for Dallas, Golden Stateको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम
Should Stephen Curry or Luka Doncic be in your daily fantasy lineup? DFS millionaire Mike McClure has optimized lineups to win big every day. Check out his latest picks here.

Mavericks at Warriors ATS odds, pick
Analysis:  The Mavericks are 17-13 against the spread on the year, and 10-7 as an underdog -- though just 4-6 as a road underdog. Still, back at home, coming off a loss, the Warriors will be looking to put this one on ice as they prepare for their Christmas Day showdown with LeBron and the Lakers.




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